Audit Compliance Management

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Manage audit compliance effectively

We offer various types of audits, including GAP audits, which evaluate agricultural production and handling practices to minimize the risk of foodborne illness and other safety hazards. We also conduct internal audits to evaluate the effectiveness of an organization’s internal controls, processes, and systems. Additionally, we offer supplier audits to assess the practices and processes of vendors and ensure that they meet the required quality and safety standards. These audits are used to assess the risk of working with a particular supplier and to ensure that they can deliver products or services that meet the needs of the purchasing organization.

At QRS, we offer GAP, internal, and vendor audits to meet the requirements of guidelines or legislation that needs to be implemented by the customer. These audits are designed to ensure that the relevant standards and requirements are being met.

We Conduct GAP Audit, Internal Audit & vendor Audit as per :

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